For the most part, anyone who finds these boards has some roots established in Runescape that go back, but what keeps Runescape in your mind after all this time? Don't be afraid to go deep with your convos!
Runescape was a big part of my life when I was growing up. I do regret some of it, like the clan wars that expanded into weekend long events to fill looters banks while emptying mine, but the memories are what really makes it stand out. I know OSRS has brought a lot of change since it's been around, but the bones of the game we grew up playing are still there. I love being able to log into digital nostalgia and spend a few weeks revisiting old "places" I used to hang out, kill some monsters, and make a little loot. Then I forget to log in for x amount of months/years before doing it all over again.
It's definitely a yo-yo experience though since the community aspect has shifted to other mediums like discord/reddit/twitter/etc that really feel like their lacking that cohesiveness that allowed the game to flourish. Runescape the game would not have existed in the same way without the boards that served as a true hub for the playerbase, and without that place to belong I think it really raises the turnover of people going in and out of the game.
I'm somewhat obsessed with various forms of media, how people interact with them, and the effect it has on a person. We're definitely down the rabbit hole these days with everyone being increasingly involved via social media. My opinion is the social aspect has been lost upon much of social media, and I'm hopeful that as people start breaking out of their curated algorithms they might trust themselves to have thoughts about what they enjoy instead of being suggested what something thinks they might enjoy. I won't go too ham on this train of thought because I will literally write you a paper on the subject(and I may have written more than a few in college lol).
There's the everlasting generational refrain "Back in my day," and maybe Runescape is a part of our aging experience. It could just be that as part of a digital generation we're lucky enough to have memories kept not in diaries, but behind a login and password.
What brings you back? Why does the habit never really die, but just take exceedingly extended breaks?
For S****s & gigs: If you died tomorrow, and your whole life flashed before your eyes in your final much of that would be Runescape related?
Runescape was a big part of my life when I was growing up. I do regret some of it, like the clan wars that expanded into weekend long events to fill looters banks while emptying mine, but the memories are what really makes it stand out. I know OSRS has brought a lot of change since it's been around, but the bones of the game we grew up playing are still there. I love being able to log into digital nostalgia and spend a few weeks revisiting old "places" I used to hang out, kill some monsters, and make a little loot. Then I forget to log in for x amount of months/years before doing it all over again.
It's definitely a yo-yo experience though since the community aspect has shifted to other mediums like discord/reddit/twitter/etc that really feel like their lacking that cohesiveness that allowed the game to flourish. Runescape the game would not have existed in the same way without the boards that served as a true hub for the playerbase, and without that place to belong I think it really raises the turnover of people going in and out of the game.
I'm somewhat obsessed with various forms of media, how people interact with them, and the effect it has on a person. We're definitely down the rabbit hole these days with everyone being increasingly involved via social media. My opinion is the social aspect has been lost upon much of social media, and I'm hopeful that as people start breaking out of their curated algorithms they might trust themselves to have thoughts about what they enjoy instead of being suggested what something thinks they might enjoy. I won't go too ham on this train of thought because I will literally write you a paper on the subject(and I may have written more than a few in college lol).
There's the everlasting generational refrain "Back in my day," and maybe Runescape is a part of our aging experience. It could just be that as part of a digital generation we're lucky enough to have memories kept not in diaries, but behind a login and password.
What brings you back? Why does the habit never really die, but just take exceedingly extended breaks?
For S****s & gigs: If you died tomorrow, and your whole life flashed before your eyes in your final much of that would be Runescape related?